Monday, December 1, 2008

Final Post

A self reflection of Sketchbook...

Hmm. Well, I already turned in my 3 page paper on Sketchbook and I'm not sure sure if this blogpost is supposed to cover entirely new ideas. So I'll say this:

I think I am fairly satisfied with the way my project turned out. Of course, there are tons of things I wish I did in addition (more sample pages, a grading rubric, convert the logo into an image so it is not dependent on installing a certain font, etc). But, after a while I just had to stop. This project- like all the projects presented in class today- seems to be infinite in possibilities. Sketchbook, the digital project, is like any educational lesson plan; it should constantly be revised to improve it, and it will never be perfect.

I will say this, someday, I would love for Sketchbook to be an online application like its sister site Facebook. I believe that an online website would make Sketchbook as accessible as possible to the most audiences. Also, the idea could still work for computer design classes. The students could view the website and then try to replicate and improve its design in Dreamweaver, InDesign, etc.

Right now, I don't like that my project is not accessible. Sure, I finished what I needed to for the class and turned it in, but no one but Selila and me will have access to it. It seems like a big waste, in the grand scheme of things. All my classmates with websites have their work out in the world to help teachers, parents, and students already. Sketchbook can't do much for the academic community unless I get out there and manually peddle CDs with the project files on them. To be quite honest, I can't see myself doing that any time soon.

I guess I'll just have to sit on the project until I can cultivate the skills and resources I need to take the project live. In the meantime, anyone out that that wants my files can come and get 'em! (Or, email me and I'll find a way to get them to you.)

Anyways, congrats again to all my classmates. I was incredibly impressed with how everyone's projects turned out. They were all even more innovative and well-crafted than I expected. Corcoran Art Ed represent!


  1. did you just call me kid ?

    i'll deal with you later, thanks for the rest of the comment tho. yours was pretty nifty as well

  2. Sketchbook is an innovative idea. I wonder who you could sell this project to. I am quite sure someone is looking for a better way to enhance the art experience for students in high school as well as college. Hmmm....Sketchbook has great potential and it surely wasn't a waste of time. Maybe the people at Facebook will consider helping this idea come alive. Don't sleep on it. I was really impressed. The layout resembled Facebook and was familiar to everyone in class. That is something to be proud about. No matter how far you think you could have gone, your effort is commendable. Congratulations Nikki! Great job.
